Blog Instructions

Blog How-To
So you’re probably thinking: How’s this whole blog thing going to work? Well it’s actually really simple! Here are the basic steps:

1. Create a blog at
 To do this, just go to the website and click “Get Started”.

2. Personalize your blog.
 By following the steps, name your blog something that will identify YOU. Experiment with colours, fonts, pictures and templates! Make your blogs yours.

3. Post the link.When you’re done creating your blog, be sure to post the link on this blog or email it to me by Sunday, December 4th, 2011! While you’re there, be sure to follow other Horizons’ students blogs, whose links will be available on the sidebar. Now all you have to do is read the blog entry instructions and get blogging.

4. Start blogging (and commenting!)Try to keep in mind the deadlines for each blog post and try to get it done before then to avoid it conflicting with school work and other activities. However, if you fall behind a few days, don’t worry! Just submit your post as soon as you can.

5. Keep updated!
I’ll be posting updates, tips and reminders on the main blog, so make sure you keep checking back so you don’t miss anything! Keep active on your blog and make sure you comment on the blog posts of others. There may even be a prize for the best blogger in March!

Blog Content

This component of HORIZONS will be divided into 5 parts: 3 Blog Posts and 2 Leadership Resources. These posts will be spread out between December and March. Each blog post will be roughly 500 words and each Leadership Resource will require a link and a brief description. Each description below will provide a series of questions to help you think about what you want to write. They do not necessarily need to be answered; they just serve as a guide for helping you brainstorm.
Here are the details:

1. All About You. (Blog Post)
Sunday, December 4th, 2011
This first entry will be an introduction based on how you became involved in volunteering and leadership. This could include the following areas:
Describe Yourself! What are your interests? What are your plans for the future? How did you become interested in volunteering and in leadership? Did someone inspire you to become involved in volunteering? Why is volunteering important to you? In what ways have you been involved in volunteering and leadership?

2. TED Video. (Link)
Sunday, December 18th, 2011
This first resource will require you to go to and find a video that you think is cool and inspiring! Once you find a video that you like, write your blog post about why you think it’s an interesting video. Also try to comment on at least 2 other videos that other Horizons participants have posted.

3. What you’re into. (Blog Post)
Sunday, January 15th, 2011
This post will be a description of your current volunteer involvement including all activities that you’re involved in.
How are you involved? What activities are you currently participating in? Tell us about each activity and why you’re interested in it. What is your role in this activity? How did you become involved in each activity? Have your activities change in the past few years?

4. Tweet It! (Link)
Sunday, February 19th, 2011
For this part, you should go to and find three (3) people or organizations that you think would be interesting to learn more about. If you don’t have a twitter account, no worries! Just copy and paste the person’s or organization’s twitter page link onto your blog and briefly explain why you chose these three pages.

5. Think Ahead!
(Blog Post)
Sunday, March 4th, 2011
This final post will give you the opportunity to talk about your future plans in volunteering and leadership. This can include your plans for the rest of this year, for next year or even for when you go Memorial University. It can be as general or specific as you like, the point is to think about where you want to go with your leadership and volunteering skills. I will post lots of resources for opportunities in Newfoundland and Labrador and MUN for you to think about.
Think about the future: Do you think you will continue to volunteer in the future? What are your goals for next year? What kind of organizations/clubs/societies would you like to become involved with in the future? How has volunteering broadened your interests?